Tome of Tearma

Wondrous Item, Legendary (requires a link)

Fairy Refuge. The leather cover of this book emanates a scent of distant forests, imbued with magic. As an action, a character can open the book and attempt to channel its fairy energy. On a roll of 90 or higher on a d100, the book’s bearer and up to 4 willing allies within a 5-foot radius are teleported to the fairy demi-plane of Tearma. The location consists of a clearing where a gigantic tree stands, its trunk towering above the canopy of the surrounding forest. Numerous cozy alcoves are nestled among its branches, allowing visitors to lie down and rest. Invisible pixies serve the will of the tree of Tearma, providing beers and hot meals to the guests. If the guests express their gratitude with a tip, the characters will find all their belongings cleaned by morning, with any rips or tears in their clothing mended overnight. The characters can remain and enjoy the clearing for up to 24 hours. They can leave by taking the only path out of the clearing that leads toward a blinding green light. They will then be teleported to the exact spot where they activated the book. If the characters decide to stay longer, time begins to distort and may speed up or slow down. The Dungeon Master can decide if time passes more slowly or quickly than in the material plane, and to what extent. Once the book has been used this way, the bearer must wait 5 days before attempting to teleport to Tearma again. If the roll fails, the bearer can retry at the next dawn.

Additional Mastery (requires a link). A person attuned to this book gains proficiency with fey.

Fairy Teleportation (requires a link). As a bonus action, you can magically teleport to an unoccupied space you can see within 30 feet of you. Once this ability is used, you must wait until the end of your next long rest before you can use it again.