Online games

Exploring the distant lands of Dungeons and Dragons with your friends has never been more captivating!

DISCLAIMER: All online games are conducted in French only!

Come play Dungeons & Dragons with us!

Beginners: Have you never played before, but after hearing about it more or less everywhere—from TV shows (notably Stranger Things), reading various articles in newspapers, or discussing it with friends—you want to try a game? Our storytellers will be there to assist you from character creation, through choosing your adventure, all the way to the game itself, so you’ll never feel lost.

Experienced players: This is your chance to play together without one of you having to sit behind the screen and spend long hours preparing, thinking, “This is an adventure I would have loved to play.”

Skip all the technical setup constraints and scenario preparations. Choosing to play with experienced storytellers ensures successful sessions, enjoying the benefits of role-playing without the drawbacks.

Join us for exciting adventures from the comfort of your couch!

Our Favorites

We have implemented a “Favorite” system to highlight the sessions that have truly made an impact on us. Limited to two logos per storyteller, these distinctions aim to emphasize the exceptional quality of certain adventures.

However, many scenarios without this logo also deserve special mention. Whether for their dramatic or humorous aspects, the investigation or puzzles to solve, the epic nature of certain battles, or their educational character ideal for beginners.

Homemade or almost…

Some of the scenarios we run have undergone extensive rewrites, such as “The Death House,” or are completely written by us, like “Gremmeth’s Mansion.”

You can recognize them by this logo, placed in the bottom right corner of the cover. It will also be indicated on the cover as “Redesigned Version” for rewrites and “Original Adventure” for our original scenarios. This ensures you are playing a scenario you won’t find anywhere else.